The counts of villous syncytial knots and stroma fibrosis of villi were more significant in the placenta of group 2 as well. S/D≥3组与S/D<3组比较,胎盘第三级绒毛于内小动脉计数显著减少,合体滋养细胞结节及出芽、绒毛间质纤维化显著增加;
Conclusions These results suggest that HGF is secreted mainly by villous core mesenchymal cells in human placenta and the reduced HGF may be responsible for the shallow implantation and impaired vascular development in PIH. 结论HGF在胎盘中主要由绒毛间质细胞分泌,其受体c-met表达于滋养细胞表面,妊高征患者HGF分泌减少可能是引起其胎盘出现生理性血管重铸障碍继而发病的原因。
Most of the placenta in babies with birth defects had pathological changes, such as retarded villous maturation, placenta infection, etc. 而出生缺陷儿的胎盘大多伴有病理性变化,如绒毛发育迟缓、胎盘感染等。